In considering the proposed Residential Overlay Zone, the Technical Review Committee, Planning Commission and City Council shall consider:
   A.   Design: The design, exterior materials, housing type and quality of buildings and their relationship to the site and their relationship to development beyond the boundaries of the development.
   B.   Streets, Traffic, Parking: Which streets shall be public and which shall be private, the entrances and exits to the development and the provisions for internal and external traffic circulation and off-street parking.
   C.   Open Space: The proposed open space as a means of its integration into the City and the neighborhood.
      1.   All attendant open space, privately or otherwise owned, shall be publicly accessible and contained within the perimeter of the development.
      2.   Formations that provide State mandated stormwater detention or retention do not qualify as developed open space unless occupying more than five (5) acres and determined by the Planning Commission to be suitable for multiple uses. In cases of approved multi-use stormwater detention or retention basins, the developer shall (at City's discretion) provide restrooms and parking spaces.
   D.   Density: The residential density of the proposed development and its distribution as compared with the residential density of the surrounding lands.
   E.   Property Discrepancies: Conflicts associated with property characteristics and/or ownership, such as, but not limited to recorded property line inconsistencies, ambiguous or contested ownership, etc. (Ord. 2019-04, 1-17-2019, eff. 1-17-2019; amd. Ord. 2021-09, 6-3-2021)