A.   Livestock:
      1.   Restrictions:
         a.   No livestock, horses, mules, donkeys, or llamas shall be kept or maintained closer than forty feet (40') from any dwelling, and not closer than seventy five feet (75') from any dwelling on an adjacent lot. Any barn, stable, coop, pen or permanent structure for the housing or keeping of livestock, horses, mules, donkeys, or llamas shall be kept, constructed or maintained not closer to a public street than sixty feet (60').
   B.   Fowl:
      1.   Conditions For Permitting Fowl:
         a.   Eleven thousand (11,000) to thirteen thousand nine hundred ninety nine (13,999) square foot lots:
            (1)   Ten (10) chickens with one rooster or twenty (20) pigeons shall be allowed. Pheasants or game birds not allowed.
            (2)   Accessory structures such as barns, pens, corrals, coops and runs for the keeping of fowl shall be located at least thirty five feet (35') from a dwelling on an adjacent lot, fifteen feet (15') from any dwelling on the same lot, and at least sixty feet (60') from any public street.
         b.   Fourteen thousand (14,000) to nineteen thousand nine hundred ninety nine (19,999) square foot lots:
            (1)   Maximum of fifteen (15) fowl with a combination that shall not include more than fifteen (15) chickens including one rooster with a maximum of two (2) roosters per eight (8) to ten (10) hens or similar fowl over six (6) months of age with a limit of thirty (30) fowl under six (6) months of age, three (3) geese, three (3) ducks, three (3) turkeys, two (2) peacocks or fifteen (15) pigeons. Pheasants or game birds not allowed.
            (2)   Accessory structures such as barns, pens, corrals, coops and runs for the keeping of fowl shall be located at least fifty feet (50') from a dwelling on an adjacent lot, twenty five feet (25') from any dwelling on the same lot, and at least sixty feet (60') from any public street.
         c.   Twenty thousand (20,000) to thirty nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine (39,999) square foot lots:
            (1)   Maximum of twenty five (25) fowl with a combination that shall not include more than twenty five (25) chickens including one rooster with a maximum of two (2) roosters per eight (8) to ten (10) hens or similar fowl over six (6) months of age with a limit of thirty (30) fowl under six (6) months of age, three (3) geese, three (3) ducks, three (3) turkeys, two (2) peacocks, twenty (20) pigeons or ten (10) pheasants or similar game birds.
            (2)   Accessory structures such as barns, pens, corrals, coops and runs for the keeping of fowl shall be located at least seventy five feet (75') from a dwelling on an adjacent lot, forty feet (40') from any dwelling on the same lot, and at least sixty feet (60') from any public street.
         d.   All residential zones over forty thousand (40,000) square foot lots:
            (1)   Maximum of forty (40) fowl with a combination that shall not include more than forty (40) chickens including a maximum of two (2) roosters per eight (8) to ten (10) hens or similar fowl over six (6) months of age with a limit of sixty (60) fowl under six (6) months of age, six (6) geese, eight (8) ducks, six (6) turkeys, two (2) peacocks, forty (40) pigeons, or forty (40) pheasants or similar game birds.
            (2)   Accessory structures such as barns, pens, corrals, coops and runs for the keeping of fowl shall be located at least seventy five feet (75') from a dwelling on an adjacent lot, forty feet (40') from any dwelling on the same lot, and at least sixty feet (60') from any public street.
         e.   Above five (5) acres:
            (1)   No specific regulations on number of fowl.
            (2)   Accessory structures such as barns, pens, corrals, coops and runs for the keeping of fowl shall be located at least seventy five feet (75') from a dwelling on an adjacent lot, forty feet (40') from any dwelling on the same lot, and at least sixty feet (60') from any public street.
      2.   Regulations: Possession of any fowl, game bird, migratory bird, or similar bird/fowl shall comply with all state and federal regulations. Potential owner shall obtain any permits/registrations required by such regulations.
      3.   Control And Fencing: It is unlawful for the owner of any domestic fowl, such as turkeys, ducks, geese, chickens, peacocks, or any other variety of fowl, to permit such fowl to trespass or go upon the premises of another or run at large on any public property or roadway.
      4.   Nuisances: All fowl must be in accordance with title 4, chapter 2, "Nuisances", of this code.
   C.   Grandfather Clause: Notwithstanding the foregoing, or any language in this code to the contrary, the limitations, requirements and sanctions imposed by this section do not apply to owners of livestock, horses, mules, donkeys, or llamas or fowl where such uses were in existence prior to any subsequent residential or commercial development adjacent to his/her property where such development has now created, or will create, a situation where livestock, horses, llamas, mules, donkeys or fowl will be kept or maintained closer than forty feet (40') from any dwelling, or closer than seventy five feet (75') from any dwelling on an adjacent lot. Such continuing, preexisting uses shall be deemed under this code to be in compliance with the requirements of this code if the property owner was in compliance prior to the development. (Ord. 2011-09, 8-4-2011, eff. 8-5-2011)