(a)   Any owner of real property within the Village may apply to the Village Administrator for a permit to install an acceptable additional water meter on the real property at such owner’s expense and in such a manner as to determine the quantity of water actually entering the sewerage system. In such a case the quantity of water used to determine the sewer charge shall be the quantity of water actually entering the sewerage system.
   (b)   The permit application shall be in the form prescribed by the Village Administrator, which application shall be submitted with a ten dollar ($10.00) fee for the inspection of the completed installation by the Village. Such additional meter shall be read as often as deemed necessary by the Village Administrator, but not less than twice each year. An additional charge of two dollars ($2.00) per reading of the additional meter shall be made to cover the cost of reading and computing the flow of such meter and such additional charge shall be added to the regular sewer charge bill for the real property involved. No such application shall be accepted by the Village Administrator until all past due charges of whatever nature owed to the Village by the applicant have been paid in full and all accounts between the applicant and the Village brought current.
   (c)   The following regulations apply to and shall govern the installation and use of additional water meters within the Village:
      (1)   The meter must be a Badger, Rockwell, Hersey, or other approved acceptable manufacturer.
      (2)   The meter must be located downstream (after), but as near the main meter as possible, in accordance with the methods portrayed in the exhibit attached to Ordinance 35-91. The meter face (reading dial) must face straight up.
      (3)   The system must measure with English incrementation (gallons) and be equipped with a compatible outside remote reading device. Said device must be located immediately next to the main remote if one is already installed. If no main remote is existing, the auxiliary remote shall be located on the side of the structure within two feet of the front corner and approximately four or five feet high.
      (4)   When the meter and remote are installed, a final inspection must be made to insure proper installation and to set up the account to reflect the proper sewer charges.
      (5)   Every applicant shall sign an agreement providing:
         A.   That no water passing through an additional meter shall be introduced into the sanitary sewer system of the Village, and undertaking to guarantee the compliance therewith of any tenant, resident or occupant of the real property; and
         B.   That all necessary maintenance and repair to the additional meter shall be performed by applicant at applicant’s expense; and
         C.   That, in the event that the additional meter is or becomes nonfunctional, the Village will base water and sewer usage solely upon the main water meter originally installed upon the premises.      
   (d)   Any person violating the prohibition of this section against the introduction of water passing through an additional meter into the Village sanitary sewer system, and any person tampering in any way with the additional water meter, or attempting to bypass the main meter, and any person installing an additional water meter without complying with the requirements of this section shall be subject to the following penalties:
      (1)   A fine in an amount not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each violation of this section, with each day during which a violation continues constituting a separate offense; and/or
      (2)   The termination of water service to the property involved; and/or
      (3)   Payment to the Village of restitution for the amount by which such action has denied revenue to the Village sanitary sewer system.
         (Ord. 35-91. Passed 9-23-91.)