(a)   No unauthorized persons shall ride in or on any Village equipment at any time. Authorized persons shall be restricted to employees and officials of the Village.
   (b)   Village owned equipment will not be loaned out or rented to any individual or organization except by the written agreement of Council, or used by any Village employee or official for their personal use.
   (c)   Privately owned vehicles or equipment shall not be stored in Village owned buildings except by the written agreement of Council. This subsection applies to all employees and officials as well as all other persons.
   (d)   All departments of the Village shall complete, prior to January 1 of each year, a physical inventory of all equipment owned, showing the description, identifying information, and quantity of all items. All unused or obsolete equipment shall be noted on the inventory report and then sold at public auction when required. (Ord. 26-98. Passed 1-11-99.)