(a)     “Anemometer" is an instrument that measures the force and direction of the wind.
   (b)   "Clear Fall Zone" means an area surrounding the wind turbine unit into which the turbine, tower and/or turbine components might fall due to inclement weather, poor maintenance, faulty construction methods, or any other condition causing turbine failure. The area shall remain confined within the property lines of the primary parcel where the turbine is located. The purpose of the zone being that if the turbine shall fall or otherwise become damaged, the falling structure will be confined to the primary parcel and will not intrude onto a neighboring property.
   (c)   "Ground mounted" means an alternative energy project which is not attached to a building and which is either attached directly to the ground or elevated on a supporting structure attached to the ground.
   (d)   "Cowling" means a streamlined removable cover that encloses the turbine's nacelle.
   (e)   "Megawatt" means a unit of power equal to one million watts.
   (f)   "Monopole tower" means a tower constructed of a single, self supporting metal tube, anchored to a foundation.
   (g)   "Nacelle" sits atop the tower and contains the essential mechanical components of the turbine to which the rotor is attached.
   (h)   "Owner" means any of the following:
      (1)   "Equipment owner" means the person or entity that owns an alternative energy project.
      (2)   "Participating owner" means the owner of the property on which an alternative energy project is built.
      (3)   "Non-participating landowner" means an owner of property on which an alternative energy project is not being built.
   (i)   "Roof/building mounted" means an alternative energy project which is attached to a building or roof.
   (j)   "Rotor diameter" means the cross sectional dimension of the circle swept by the rotating blades.
   (k)    “Small wind energy project" means a wind energy project that has a capacity of more than 2 kilowatts and less than 5 megawatts, including the wind turbine generator or anemometer or any parts thereof and is primarily used to generate energy for use on the property where it is located. Small wind energy projects shall include Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWTs), Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs), and Blade Tip Power System (BTPSs) as shown in Figure 1.
   (l)   "Total height" means any of the following:
      (1)   Means for a horizontal and vertical axis turbine; the vertical distance from ground level to the tip of the wind generator blade when the tip is at its highest point.
      (2)   Means for a blade tip power system; the vertical distance from ground level to the highest point of the turbine structure.
   (m)   “Wind energy project" mean equipment that converts and then stores or transfers energy from the wind into usable forms of energy (as defined by Ohio R.C. 1551.20) and includes any base, blade, foundation, generator, nacelle, rotor, tower, transformer, turbine, vane, wire or other component used in the project.
   (n)   “Wind generator” means the mechanical and electrical conversion components mounted at the top of a tower in a wind energy project.
   (o)   “Zoning Inspector” means the Village of Plain City Zoning Inspector.
(Ord. 1-15. Passed 4-27-15.)