(a)   The Uptown Plain City Historic District, which includes the central business district, churches, residences and the Plain City Elementary School, contains numerous historic structures and other architectural and special features which are considered assets that establish the character of the community's central area. Buildings and blocks in this area were built in the mid 1800's to early 1900's and are directly linked to the economic health of the business and residential districts.
   (b)   Fires, tornadoes, neglect, and economic downturns have left this area with significant gaps in its streetscape and the reduction of several buildings from a multistory to either a single story or two-story state. One historic block was completely destroyed by fire in the mid to late 1980's. No significant new construction, except for rebuilding the destroyed block and the demolition of several old houses and one commercial building to make room for the new library, has been completed in Uptown Plain City Historic District since the building of the Plain City Elementary School in 1937. (Ord. 17-08. Passed 9-22-08.)