The Mayor and Village Fiscal Officer are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with West Jefferson, on behalf of the Village, for the enforcement of the RCO and OBC within the Village limits, whereby the West Jefferson Building, Planning and Zoning Department will exercise all enforcement authority, accept and approve plans and specifications, and make necessary inspections, all in accordance with the provisions of the RCO and OBC. The terms of the said agreement shall grant to the West Jefferson Building, Planning and Zoning Department full authority to do all things necessary to administer and enforce the RCO and OBC within the Village limits, and in consideration therefor, allow the West Jefferson Building, Planning and Zoning Department to retain all permit and inspection fees. The agreement between West Jefferson and the Village shall be in the form attached to Ordinance 14-06 as Exhibit “A”, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference. (Ord. 08-19. Passed 9-30-19.)