All permanent signs shall also comply with the following requirements and with the height, area and setback regulations of Section 1199.06.
   (a)    Wall Signs. Wall signs are permitted for any business or use located in a nonresidential district.
      (1)    Placement.
         A.    Wall signs shall not protrude more than ten inches from the building wall or face.
         B.    A wall sign may not extend above the window sill of the second story. If wall signs, either box or separated letters, are placed in a space between windows, the height of such signs may not exceed two-thirds of the distance between the top of the window and the sill of the window above, or major architectural details related thereto. If individual letters or a boxed graphic is placed between window spandrels, the height of the letters or box may not exceed two-thirds of the height of the spandrel.
         C.    Signs may be attached to a building wall or extension which faces a street, parking lot or service drive, or may be attached to a canopy, marquee or roof which projects beyond the building, provided that no part of the sign may extend above the roof, canopy or marquee.
      (2)    Size. The maximum allowable size for any wall sign shall be one square foot of sign area for each lineal foot of width of the building face to which the sign is attached, but shall not exceed the maximum size allowed for the use by Section 1199.06.
   The maximum allowable size for any window sign when used as the identification sign for the business, shall be one square foot of width of the building face to which the sign is attached, but shall be limited to fifty percent (50%) of the window area.
      (3)    Number. Wall signs shall be limited in number to one per building or use. For buildings or uses on corner lots on two rights of way, a sign is permitted facing each right of way. The main sign facing the front of the building or use shall conform to this chapter as to size. The area of the second sign shall not exceed the area of the sign permitted on the front of the building.
   (b)    Ground Signs. Ground signs shall include pole signs, monument signs, and other types of free standing signs supported by uprights or braces on the ground. A ground sign must be located on the property to which it refers. Ground signs are not permitted in the Central Development overlay District. In all other districts, excepting residential districts, a ground sign is permitted only when the use is freestanding on its individual lot, is accessible by automobile and has off-street parking.
      (1)    Location. All ground signs shall be set back a minimum of eight feet from any public right of way or property boundary line.
      (2)    Size. The maximum area and height for any ground sign shall be determined by the table in Section 1199.06. The maximum height shall be measured from the established grade line to the highest point of the sign or its frame or support. The base or support of the sign cannot be more than one half the height of the sign face. The established grade line shall be defined as the average finished grade for that area of the site to where the sign is to be located, provided however, that the height of a sign shall not be artificially increased by the use of mounding.
      (3)    Number. No more than one ground sign shall be permitted on any one lot, or multiple lots if devoted to one specific use or user,
      (4)    Landscaping. The base of all permanent ground signs shall be effectively landscaped with living plant material and maintained in good condition at all times. The minimum landscaped area shall extend at least three feet beyond all faces or supporting structures in all directions. Exposed foundations must be constructed with a finished material such as brick, stone, or wood, or be screened with evergreens to the top of the anchor bolts. The landscaped area shall include all points where sign structural supports attach to the ground.
   (c)    Projecting Signs. A projecting sign is any sign attached to a building in such a way that the sign face is not parallel to the building face. Projecting signs are permitted only in the Central Development Overlay District.
      (1)    Projecting signs shall be limited in number to one per business or use for each public right of way that the business or use faces.
      (2)    Projecting signs shall not exceed nine square feet in area or project more than three feet from the building face or hang lower than eight feet above the level of the pedestrian walkway.
   (d)   Institutional Signs. Any educational institution, religious institution, or other institutional use permitted in a residential zoning district shall be permitted signs in accordance with 1199.06 in place of the permanent signs otherwise allowed in these districts. (Ord. 5-14. Passed 8-25-14.)