(a)   Commercial lighting installed or replaced after the date of adoption of the code must use a full horizontal cutoff fixture.
   (b)   A commercial lighting fixture attached to a pole may not exceed a height of twenty feet (20') from the ground to the top of the fixture. The fixture height must be brought into conformance at the time of the replacement of the pole.
   (c)   The light source in a commercial fixture may not emit an illumination of more than thirty (30) candle feet as measured three feet (3') above ground level at any point underneath the fixture.
   (d)   Exterior commercial lighting may not result in light trespass on adjacent property.
   (e)   The requirements for commercial lights using a horizontal cutoff do not apply to:
      (1)   Fixtures producing two thousand eight hundred fifty (2,850) average lumens (equivalent of a 150-watt incandescent bulb) or less; and
      (2)   Sign lighting.
   (f)   The height of an exterior commercial light fixture may not exceed the structure height permitted in the zoning district wherein the fixture is located.
   (g)   The installation of any mercury vapor light fixture, lamp or replacement bulb for use as an outdoor light is prohibited.
   (h)   Lighting levels. The following standards gives maximum lighting levels for outdoor facilities used at night averaged over the entire activity area. All other illuminance not addressed shall not exceed IESNA recommendations as published in the Lighting Handbook (9th ed, c. 2000), Lighting for Exterior Environments (RP-33-99), Recommended Practice for Lighting Merchandising Areas (RF-2), or other applicable IES publications, as these publications are amended.
      (1)   Building surrounds - 1.0 foot-candle
      (2)   Walkways in commercial areas - 0.9 footcandle
      (3)   Parking areas, including outdoor display and retail areas - 2.0 footcandles
      (4)   Loading and unloading platforms - 5.0 footcandles
      (5)   Maximum on-site lighting levels shall not exceed ten (10) footcandles, except for loading and unloading platforms where the maximum lighting level shall be twenty (20) footcandles.
      (6)   The amount of nuisance glare (light trespass) projected onto a residential use from another property shall not exceed 0.1 foot-candles at the property line.
      (7)   Outdoor display lots for vehicles sales and leasing shall comply with the requirements of this section. In addition, display fixture illumination shall be reduced within thirty (30) minutes after closing so that the remaining illumination levels are sufficient for security purposes only; provided, however, that any illumination used after 11:00 p.m. shall be reduced to levels sufficient for security purposes only.
   (i)   Maintenance. All lighting fixtures and supporting structures and hardware, including temporary installations, must be structurally safe, clean, free of visible defects and functioning properly at all times. Visible rot or rust, falling parts, burned out bulbs or broken parts are prima facia evidence that the lighting is not in good repair. Repairs to lighting shall be equal to or better in quality of materials and design that the original lighting fixture and support structures. (Ord. 05-08. Passed 2-25-08.)