(a) Except as further provided, an exterior residential light fixture installed or replaced after the adoption of the code must use a reflective baffle or other means to limit upward light trespass. While not required, use of a horizontal cutoff fixture is highly encouraged. This requirement does not apply to any exterior residential lighting fixture producing two thousand eight hundred fifty (2,850) average lumens (equivalent of a 150-watt incandescent bulb) or less.
(b) Exterior residential lighting may not result in light trespass on adjacent property.
(c) The height of an exterior residential light fixture may not exceed the structure height permitted in the zoning district wherein the fixture is located.
(d) The installation of any mercury vapor light fixture, lamp or replacement bulb for use as an outdoor light is prohibited.
(e) Lighting Levels. The following standards give maximum lighting levels for outdoor facilities used at night averaged over the entire activity area. All other illuminance not addressed shall not exceed IESNA recommendations as published in the Lighting Handbook (9th ed, c. 2000), Lighting for Exterior Environments (RP-33-99), Recommended Practice for Lighting Merchandising Areas (RF-2), or other applicable IES publications, as these publications are amended.
(1) Walkways in residential areas - 0.5 footcandle
(2) Parking areas in a residential zoning district - 1.0 footcandle
(3) The amount of nuisance glare (light trespass) projected onto a residential use from another property shall not exceed 0.1 foot-candles at the property line. (Ord. 05-08. Passed 2-25-08.)