As used in this chapter, certain terms are defined or interpreted as follows:
   (a)   "Off-street parking space" means a rectangular area for parking one motor vehicle, which is located in a building or in the open, which has access to a public street and is exclusive of the right-of-way of any public or private street or any driveway, aisle, circulation drive or off-street loading space. Off-street parking spaces shall have minimum rectangular dimensions as follows:
Parking Angle (Dimensions in Feet)
Parking Space Parallel
60 Degrees
90 Degrees
   (b)   "Off-street loading space" means a cubical area for parking one commercial vehicle for pickups and deliveries, which space has minimum dimensions of twelve feet in width, fifty feet in length and fifteen feet in vertical height, which is located in a building or in the open on the same lot as the use such space is intended to serve, and which has access to a public street and is exclusive of the right-of-way of any public or private street or any driveway, aisle, circulation drive or off-street parking space.
   (c)   "Gross floor area", for determining parking requirements, means the total floor area of all main and accessory buildings, whether closed or unenclosed, measured from the exterior building face including storage areas but excluding interior areas used for parking and loading and access thereto.
   (d)   "Gross floor area", for determining loading requirements, means the total floor area of all main and accessory buildings, whether closed or unenclosed, measured from the exterior building face, including storage areas but excluding interior areas used for parking and loading and access thereto.
   (e)   "Employees", for determining parking requirements, means the maximum number of employees on duty on the premises at one time or on any two successive shifts, whichever is greater.
   (f)   "Seats" means the number of seating units installed or indicated on plans, or each thirty lineal inches of stands, benches or pews. It is assumed that a seating unit occupies seven square feet of floor area for uses without fixed seating, exclusive of aisles and assembly areas.
   (g)   "Hospital bassinets", for determining parking requirements, shall not be counted as beds.
   (h)   "Aisle" means that portion of the off-street parking and loading area that provides access to parking, stacking or loading spaces, exclusive of driveways and parking and loading spaces. Minimum aisle width to serve a loading space shall be fifteen feet. Minimum aisle width to serve a parking space shall be as follows:
Minimum Aisle Width (Feet)
Angle of Parking (Degrees)
One-Way Travel
Two-Way Travel
(Ord. 05-08. Passed 2-25-08.)