(a)   Every person required to submit an erosion, sediment, and stormwater sediment control plan pursuant to Section 1191.05(b) of these Regulations shall submit one original and two copies of such plan to the Zoning Inspector prior to the start of construction.
   (b)   The erosion, sediment, and stormwater control plan shall be certified by a professional engineer registered in the State of Ohio.
   (c)   Such plan, which shall be accompanied by a map or maps of the proposed development area or areas, drawn to a scale of one inch equals 100 feet, shall contain the following information:
      (1)   The location of the area and its relation to its general surroundings, including:.
         A.   Off-site areas susceptible to sediment deposits or to erosion caused by accelerated runoff;
         B.   Off-site areas affecting potential accelerated runoff and erosion control;
      (2)   Existing topography of the development area and adjacent land within 200 feet of the boundaries. The topographic map shall contain existing contours at an interval of not greater than one foot if the slope of the ground is six percent or less and not greater than two feet where the slope is more than six percent, to clearly portray the conformation and drainage pattern of the area. Pre-construction and post-construction contours shall be provided.
      (3)   The location of the existing buildings, structures, utilities, water bodies, drainage facilities (including drainage tiles, even agricultural, utilized by upland property owners), vegetative cover, paved areas (roads, streets, driveways, sidewalks, etc.) and other significant natural or man-made features on the development area and adjacent land within 100 feet of the boundaries;
      (4)   A general description of the predominant soil types, their location and their limitations for the proposed use (refer to the Soil Survey of Madison County, Ohio, issued June, 2002 or Soil Survey of Union County, Ohio issued March, 2002).
      (5)   The proposed use of the development area, including present development and ultimate utilization, with detail on soil cover, both vegetative and impervious;
      (6)   All proposed earth disturbance, including:
         A.   Areas of excavation, grading and filling, installations of utilities, removal or destruction of top soil, and spreading of earth material and including a time schedule of such operation.
         B.   The finished grade, stated in feet horizontal to feet vertical, of cut and fill slopes;
         C.   Kinds of utilities and proposed areas of installation;
         D.   Proposed paved and covered areas in square feet or to scale on a plan map;
         E.   The makeup of proposed surface soil (upper six inches) on areas not covered by buildings, structures or pavement. The description shall be in such terms as lawn, turfgrass, shrubbery, trees, forest cover, rip-rap, mulch, etc.
         F.   The proposed construction sequence;
      (7)   Provisions for temporary and permanent erosion control;
      (8)   Provisions for the management of stormwater, derived both on-site and from upper watershed areas, including the control of acceleration of on-site runoff, to a stable receiving outlet;
      (9)   Provisions for erosion control improvements during construction (temporary) and during the life of the development (permanent) provisions shall include a time schedule and sequence of operations with an estimated time exposure and include the number, types, dimensions, and locations of all runoff, erosion or sediment control devices to be utilized wither temporarily or permanently on the area of land disturbed. Also the location of areas likely to require temporary stabilization during the course of development shall be shown.
      (10)   Provisions for maintenance of control facilities, including easements or agreements, to insure short-term as well as long-term erosion and sediment pollution control and stormwater management.
      (11)   The proposed construction sequence, a time schedule for all earth-disturbing activities and installation of provisions for erosion and stormwater management. The sequence of construction shall, as a minimum, include a schedule and time frame for the following activities:
         A.   Clearing and grubbing for those areas necessary for installation of perimeter controls.
         B.   Construction of perimeter controls.
         C.   Remaining clearing and grubbing.
         D.   Road grading.
         E.   Grading for the remainder of the site.
         F.   Utility installation and whether storm drains will be used, protected or abandoned after construction.
         G.   Final grading, landscaping or stabilization; and
         H.   Removal of temporary controls.
      (12)   Design computations and applicable assumptions for all structural measures for erosion and sediment pollution control and water management. Volume and velocity of flow must be given for all surface water conveyance. This information shall also be provided for surface water outlets.
      (13)   Seeding mixtures and rates, lime and fertilizer application rates, and kind and quantity of mulching for both temporary and permanent vegetative control measures. Details on proposed methods and schedules of providing temporary and permanent stabilization, pertaining to seeding and/or mulching shall be included.
      (14)   An estimate of the cost of erosion and sediment control and water management structures and features;
      (15)   The title, scale, direction, legend and date of all plan maps;
      (16)   Names and addresses of the persons preparing the plan;
      (17)   Name, address and phone number of the property owner;
      (18)   Name, address and phone number of any contractor, development, subcontractor, and site supervisors (if known);
      (19)   Total site acres and total disturbed acres;
      (20)   NPDES - The plan shall contain all documentation and permits required/levied by other natural resource agencies, including but not limited to:
         A.   Certified wetland delineation's;
         B.   Permit for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers jurisdictional streams, wetlands, and waterways;
         C.   Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPEDES) permit; and/or
         D.   Floodplain permit.
      (21)   The name of the receiving waters which will receive the stormwater discharge;
      (22)   Certification that all earth disturbance, construction and development will be done pursuant to the plan and that the Village will be notified pursuant to the requirements of 1191.05(d).
   (d)   The approving agency may waive specific requirements for plan detail or may require additional information to show that work will confirm to the basic requirements of this chapter.
(Ord. 13-11. Passed 10-24-11.)