These Regulations shall apply to all non-farm, earth-disturbing activities performed on lands within the corporate limits of the Municipality, except those activities excluded in sections of the Ohio Revised Code, as follows:
   (a)   Strip mining operations regulated by Ohio R.C. 1513.01;
   (b)   Surface mining operations regulated by Ohio R. C. 1514.01;
   (c)   Public highways, transportation and drainage improvements or maintenance thereof undertaken by a government agency or political subdivision, provided that its standard erosion and sediment control policies have been approved by the Zoning Inspector or his or her designee or the Chief of the Ohio Division of Soil and Water Conservation and that the applicable erosion, sediment and stormwater control policies are no less restrictive than these Regulations. Stormwater permits, however, are required through the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency for these activities. These sites will also be subject to inspections.
      (Ord. 05-08. Passed 2-25-08.)