A tree preservation plan which includes a tree survey shall be filed in connection with the following projects: excavation, earth moving, demolition, road widening, road construction, road extensions, parking lots, utility service lines, utility structures, bikepaths, sidewalks, the construction of new buildings, the construction of building additions, and the construction of detached accessory buildings. The tree preservation plan and tree survey shall be filed prior to the commencement of any construction activities, including clearing and grading, and must be approved by the Zoning Inspector or designee. All structures and construction activity shall be located upon a parcel of land in such a way as to minimize tree damage and/or removal, consistent with the various setback requirements of the Zoning Code and consistent with standard engineering practices for the design of public and private utilities, and with established erosion and sedimentation control practices, and consistent with the Village's stormwater management regulations. The tree preservation plan shall specify the following:
(a) The location, common name, and size (DBH) of all existing major trees. The tree survey shall indicate the location, species, the condition, and the outline of the critical root zone or 15 feet whichever is greater of all major trees. The Village may, at its discretion, accept an estimate of the number and size of trees on a site when the site exceeds three (3) acres. In considering estimates, the Village may allow the use of techniques such as site photographs, aerial photographs, site visits, etc.
(b) Identification of the tree preservation area(s), including all existing major trees that will be preserved and remain on site after construction and development.
(c) Identification of all major trees that will be removed from the site as permitted by Section 1189.06.
(d) The location, common name, and size of all replacement trees to be planted on the site as required by Section 1189.07.
(e) The location of all proposed protective fencing;
(f) Location of all utility lines;
(g) Site grading;
(h) Specified locations for ingress, egress, operation and parking of all construction vehicles and equipment, and storage of solvents, hazardous materials, and soil and material stockpiles;
(i) Specified locations for all clearing, grubbing, grading and excavation;
(j) Other measures such as construction pruning and root pruning of trees directly impacted by construction must also be indicated on the plan or on an accompanying sheet and approved by the city. Pruning shall be performed in accordance with International Society of Arboriculture Standards; and
(k) Short term and long term maintenance plans.
(Ord. 05-08. Passed 2-25-08.)