For the purposes of this chapter, certain terms are herewith defined, in addition to the definitions provided in Chapter 1137. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the singular number include the plural, words in the plural number include the singular, the word "person" includes association, firm, partnership, trust, governmental body, corporation, organization, as well as an individual, the word "structure" includes building, the word "occupied" includes arranged, designed, or intended to be occupied, the word "used" includes arranged, designed, or intended to be used, the word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directive, the word "may" is permissive, and the word "lot" includes plot or parcel. Other words and terms shall have the following respective meanings:
(a) “Landscape buffer zone" means that area adjacent to any vehicular use area or along common boundaries in which the perimeter landscape requirements are to be met.
(b) "Interior landscaping" means the use of landscape materials within the innermost boundaries of the landscape buffer zone and perimeter landscaping.
(c) "Opacity" means an imaginary vertical plane extending from the established grade to a required height of which a required percent of the vertical plane shall be visually screened from adjacent property use.
(d) "Parking area or structure" means an off-street area or structure, for required parking or loading spaces, including driveways, access ways, aisles, parking and maneuvering space, but excluding required front yard or public right-of-way.
(e) "Parking lot or structure" means an off-street area or structure, other than the parking or loading spaces or areas required or permitted under this section, for the parking of automobiles and available to the public customarily for a fee.
(f) "Perimeter landscaping" means the use of landscape materials within the landscape buffer zone to achieve the required opacity.
(h) "Treelawn" means that part of a street not covered by sidewalk or other paving, lying between the property line and that portion of the street right-of-way that is paved and usually used for vehicular traffic.
(i) "Vehicular use area". A vehicular use area is any open or unenclosed area containing more than 1,800 square feet of area and/or used by six or more of any type of vehicle, whether moving or at rest, including, but not limited to, parking lots, loading and unloading areas, and sales and service areas. Driveways are considered to be vehicular use areas whenever they are adjacent to public streets or other vehicular use elements described previously in this paragraph, and where intervening curbs, sidewalks, landscape strips, etc. do not eliminate adjacency.
(j) "Large tree" means any tree species which normally attains a full-grown height equal to or greater than fifty feet.
(k) "Medium tree" means any tree species which normally attains a full-grown height of between thirty and fifty feet.
(l) "Small tree" means any tree species which normally attains a full-grown height of under thirty feet.
(m) "Person" means any person, corporation, partnership, company, contracting firm, or other entity, including those employed by the Municipality or under contract with the Municipality.
(n) "Epiphytotic" means the sudden and destructive development of a plant disease, usually over large areas. Corresponds to an epidemic of human disease.
(Ord. 05-08. Passed 2-25-08.)