Land and buildings in the RU Rural District shall be used only for the following purposes:
(a) Agriculture. All agricultural activities as defined in Section 1.61 of the Ohio Revised Code excluding Large and Major Farms, (also known as mega-farms, and factory farms) as defined by the Ohio Department of Agriculture Livestock Environmental Permitting Program, which presents environmental concerns.
(1) Farm dwelling structures.
(2) Farm labor quarters for labor working on the premises.
(3) Roadside stand offering for sale only farm products produced on the premises.
(b) Dwelling Structures. Single-family dwelling structures.
(c) Accessory Uses. Accessory buildings and uses in association with agriculture or permitted dwellings as specified in Section 1183.05
, including: noncommercial guest house provided the lot is five acres or more.
(d) Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products. Grain elevator, mill, or other facilities for the storage, sorting, or other preliminary processing of agricultural products, except that commercial grain elevator operations shall not be permitted. Storage facilities shall not be within fifty feet of a side or rear lot line, except when along a railroad right of way. Processing facilities shall not be within one hundred feet of a side or rear lot line, except when along a railroad right of way.
(Ord. 05-08. Passed 2-25-08; Ord. 1-15. Passed 4-27-15.)
(f) Professional Office. (Ord. 21-2022. Passed 9-12-22.)