(a) All improved areas within dedicated street rights-of-way shall be graded, topsoiled, and seeded in accordance with the construction schedule and in a manner approved by the Village Engineer. Street trees shall be required and planted in accordance with an approved landscape plan.
(b) The number, type and location of trees planted shall be based upon the existing trees preserved on the site and shall be shown on a landscaping plan to be submitted with the final plat. Landscaping plans shall be in accordance with a master tree plan. Where such plans do not exist, landscaping shall be based on criteria derived from the Zoning Code.
(c) The builder shall be responsible for the establishment of required trees and such responsibility shall extend for two (2) years from the date of original planting. A bond shall be posted to ensure the planting and replacement of trees. The amount of said bond shall be based on the estimated cost of planting and establishing the required trees, and may be reduced as trees are planted.
(d) A landscape plan shall be prepared for the subdivision and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to the issuance of any zoning permits.
(e) Irrigation Systems. An irrigation system shall not be allowed within the right-of-way, unless approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. If said approval is given, the location of the irrigation system must be included on the Final Plat. In addition, a waiver must be signed holding the Village harmless for improvements in the right-of-way that require the relocation or removal of the irrigation system.
(f) Interior Landscaping Requirements per Single Family Dwelling Unit. On lots with 60 feet or greater frontage there shall be planted three trees in the front yard at the time of development. On every lot with less than 60 feet frontage, there shall be planted a minimum of two front yard trees at the time of development. Trees shall meet the same standards as for the street trees of the subdivision and shall be located within the minimum front setback, no closer than five feet to a side property line. Corner and through lots shall meet these requirements on all street frontages. (Ord. 06-08. Passed 2-25-08.)