Evidence that the construction plans of the water supply system have been approved by the Village Administrator and the Village Engineer shall be submitted to the Zoning Inspector prior to approval of the Final Plat.
Adequate public water service shall be provided for all lots in conformance with the following criteria:
(a) All water mains shall be ductile iron.
(b) All water mains and appurtenances shall be constructed in accordance with the rules, standards, and specifications of the City of Columbus construction material specifications and shall be approved by the Village Engineer prior to acceptance by the Village Council.
(c) Service connections shall be provided for each lot and to each unit of a multifamily residence and shall be installed to the property line at the time the water main is installed. All service line materials shall conform to the City of Columbus construction material specifications
(d) The standard minimum size of mains shall be 8 inch. Line sizes may need to be larger than the minimums to allow for future growth outside of the proposed development or to provide the needed fire hydrant flows. If larger line sizes are required for future growth, the Village may participate in the cost of oversizing.
(e) Minimum cover shall be 48 inches.
(f) Wherever practical, water mains shall be laid within the public right-of-way between the edge of pavement and the sidewalk.
(g) All water mains over 600' in length shall be looped to provide a second source of supply.
(h) Water mains shall be laid at least 10 feet horizontally from any existing or proposed sanitary or storm sewer or force main. The distance shall be measured edge to edge. In cases where it is not practical to maintain a 10-foot separation, the Village may allow deviation on a case-by-case basis as approved by the Village Engineer, provided that the bottom of the water main is at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer.
(i) Water mains crossing sewers shall be laid to provide a minimum vertical distance of 18 inches between the outside of the water main and the outside of the sewer. This shall be the case where the water main is either above or below the sewer. At crossings, one full length of water pipe should be located so both joints will be as far from the sewer as possible. Special structural support for the water and sewer pipes may be required. At all crossings of sewers and other utilities, compacted granular material is required between the deeper and shallower pipe.
(j) The following requirements shall be met for fire protection:
(1) In a residential single family area, there shall be a minimum distribution of fire hydrants on a ratio of one to each 120,000 square feet of area. The distance between fire hydrants shall not exceed 400 feet, and one hydrant shall be placed within 200 feet of the end of a cul-de-sac or dead-end street.
(2) In commercial, business, industrial, and multi-family areas, there shall be a distribution of public and/or private fire hydrants on a ratio of one to each 80,000 square feet of area. A minimum of one hydrant shall be provided within 300 feet of every building or part thereof with a minimum of one additional hydrant within 500 feet of every building or part thereof.
(3) Fire hydrants shall be placed 2 feet clear behind the back of curb, whenever possible, or 8 feet clear behind the edge of pavement in uncurbed streets. Fire hydrants shall be placed a minimum of 40 feet from buildings protected whenever possible.
(4) Fire hydrants shall be located at all intersections and in the center of the frontage of any proposed lot.
(5) Computations shall be required to verify that the minimum fire hydrant flow in the proposed improvement meets the requirements for the appropriate insurance ratings. The computations shall be based on a Hazen Williams coefficient of 100. For residential (single family) areas, the fire flow should be 1,000 gpm at 20 pounds per square inch (psi). For industrial, multi-family, or commercial areas, the fire flow should be a minimum of 2,000 gpm at 20 psi. Higher flows may be required depending on the type of use. Fire flows shall be provided in addition to maximum daily requirements.
(6) Fire hydrants shall conform to AWWA C502 and shall conform to the Village of Plain City Water System Material Specification Sheet. (See Appendix H.) A drainage sump 2 feet in diameter and 2 feet deep shall be excavated below each hydrant and filled with coarse gravel or stone, compacted in place, under and around the shoe of the hydrant and to a level of 6 inches above the waste opening. No drainage sump shall be connected to a sanitary sewer. A hydrant wrench shall be furnished to the Village Administrator with each five hydrants or fewer furnished.
(k) Valves shall be placed outside of pavement wherever practical. In general, two valves shall be installed at every main line tee, and three valves shall be placed at every main line cross. The maximum distance between main line valves shall be 1,000 feet. All valves shall conform to the Village of Plain City Material Specification Sheet. (See Appendix H)
(l) At high points in water mains 12-inch diameter and larger where air can accumulate, provisions shall be made to remove the air by means of hydrants or manual air relief valves.
(m) All tees, bends, plugs, and hydrants shall be provided with reaction blocking, tie-rods, or joints designed to prevent movement. Tie-rods shall be minimum 3/4-inch diameter and coated with epoxy or two coats of bitumastic material equal to Inertol No. 49 Thick. All water mains provided with reaction blocking shall be wrapped with 8-mil polyethylene film for ease of future reaction blocking removal.
(n) Meters shall be supplied by the Village and paid for by the customer.
(o) The subdivider shall provide the Village Administrator with all required Ohio EPA approvals and pay all Ohio EPA review fees.
(Ord. 06-08. Passed 2-25-08.)