The arrangement, character, extent, width, and location of all streets shall conform to the following:
(a) Streets shall be so arranged as to provide for the continuation of existing streets.
(b) Connections shall be provided to adjoining properties for future access.
(c) Local residential streets shall be laid out so as to discourage through traffic while providing for interconnection of neighborhoods and reasonable safety and service vehicle access.
(d) Cul-de-sacs shall be provided with a bulb type turnaround. Where islands are provided in cul-de-sacs, the owners of lots fronting on the turnaround shall maintain the vegetation on the island as part of their tree lawn and a note indicating such and identifying of lots shall be included on the final plat.
(e) Permanent cul-de-sacs shall not exceed 600 feet except where this requirement is specifically waived by the Planning and Zoning Commission based on topography or property configuration or such other conditions deemed reasonable. Temporary cul-de-sacs may exceed 600 feet where they are part of an overall street network.
(f) The following regulations shall govern the design and layout of blocks:
(1) Irregularly shaped blocks, those intended for cul-de-sacs or loop streets, and those containing interior parks or playgrounds, will be evaluated by the Planning and Zoning Commission and may be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission if properly designed and located, and if the maintenance of interior public spaces is covered by notation on the plat.
(2) No block shall be longer than 1,200 feet and the block width shall accommodate two tiers of lots, except where unusual topography or other exceptional physical circumstances exist.
(3) Where blocks are over 750 feet in length, a crosswalk easement no less than 10 feet in width at or near the halfway point may be required to provide proper access to schools, recreational areas, shopping centers, and other facilities.
(g) Street names shall be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and shall not duplicate names of existing streets in Plain City, and Madison and Union Counties.
(h) Access management. Traffic safety measures and location and number of access points onto existing and proposed streets shall be as required by the Village Engineer. In order to improve access control or safety, the following may be required:
(1) Marginal access streets or frontage roads.
(2) Reverse frontage lots with access on interior streets.
(3) Buffering and screening, or other treatment for separation of through traffic and impacts from development areas.
(4) Driveways with turnarounds.
(5) Combined access points to the public right-of-way.
(6) Restrictions on the number and location of drives.
(Ord. 06-08. Passed 2-25-08.)