The commission shall:
   (A)   Supervise the administration of this zoning title.
   (B)   Adopt rules and procedures necessary or convenient for the filing of use permits, variances, site plans and petitions.
   (C)   Act upon all applications for use permits, variances and site plans.
   (D)   Make recommendations to the council upon amendments to zone changes or to changes to the provisions of this chapter.
   (E)   By resolution, minute order request or on its own initiative, adopt rules implementing the general zoning regulations of this zoning ordinance by:
      1.   Setting forth additional specific uses allowed by right and by use permit which are in the opinion of the commission similar or accessory to those listed in this zoning ordinance and conform to the purposes of the zone regulations.
      2.   Setting forth additional specific uses for which parking space is required which are in the opinion of the commission similar or accessory to those listed in this zoning ordinance.
      3.   Setting forth standards of odor, gas, fumes, dust, smoke, noise, vibrations, glare, heat, electrical interference, radioactivity or waste allowable beyond the confines of property.
   (F)   Make recommendation to the city council on applications for subdivision maps. (Ord. 1474, 1-8-1991)
   (G)   Applications being processed concurrently with an application requiring city council action shall be scheduled for public hearing before the planning commission for its recommendation and the city council for final action. (Ord. 1654, 6-25-2013)