A soil or geologic study report shall accompany the application in any of the following circumstances:
   (A)   When the proposed grading includes a cut or fill exceeding ten feet (10') in depth at any point; however, for vehicularways, a soil study shall not be required unless the grading includes a proposed cut or fill that exceeds ten feet (10') in depth and the slope of the natural ground exceeds thirty percent (30%).
   (B)   When expansive soils are present.
   (C)   In areas of known or suspected geological hazards, including landslide hazards and hazards of ground failure stemming from seismically induced ground shaking. (Ord. 1523, 4-11-1995)
   (D)   As part of the building permit process per the California building code. (Ord. 1642, 6-14-2011)