Upon completion of the work, acts or things for which the permit was issued, or when required by the city engineer, the permittee shall replace, repair or restore the public street at the place of work to the same condition existing prior thereto unless otherwise provided in the permit. The permittee shall remove all obstructions, impediments, material or rubbish caused or placed upon the right of way of the public street under the permit, and shall do any other work or perform any act necessary to restore the public street to a safe and usable condition.
After completion of all work, the permittee shall exercise reasonable care in inspecting and maintaining the area affected by the encroachment. For a period of one year after the completion of the work the permittee shall repair and make good any injury or damage to any portion of the street which occurs as the result of work done under the permit, including any and all injury or damage to the street which would not have occurred had such work not been done. By the acceptance of the permit the permittee agrees to comply with the above. The permittee shall, upon notice from the city engineer, immediately repair any injury, damage or nuisance, in any portion of the right of way, resulting from the work done under the permit. In the event that the permittee fails to act promptly or should the exigencies of the injury or damage require repairs or replacement to be made before the permittee can be notified or can respond to notification, the city may, at its option, make the necessary repairs or replacements or perform the necessary work and the permittee shall be charged with all expenses incurred in the performance of said work. (Ord. 994, 5-26-1970)