(A)   Said patrol service or patrol system or public guards shall be operated and conducted under the general supervision of the chief of police.
   (B)   Said chief of police shall regulate the style and color of uniform to be used by said patrol system or patrol service or public guard. This will include, but not be limited to:
      1.   Patches: The patch will be oval in shape with one-half inch (1/2") lettering giving the name of the company and the words "Private Patrol".
      2.   Badges And Cap Pieces: The patrol service, system, or public guard may not wear badges resembling a star nor including a seal or emblem. This must be a plain badge with the name of the company and the words "Private Patrol" placed on both.
      3.   Rank And Title: The members of the patrol service or system or public guard shall not hold rank nor title nor wear insignia (stripes, bars, etc.) similar to the police services.
      4.   Vehicles: The color of the vehicles is not to be black, black and white, gold, gold and white, brown, brown and white, or white. No vehicle is to have white door panels. No seals or decals are to be placed on the vehicle, but the name of the company and the words "Private Patrol" must be placed on the side of the doors and the rear of the vehicle. Lettering will be not less than two and one-half inches (21/2") in height and the lettering shall be in contrast to the color of the background upon which it is placed.
   (C)   Any such permit and any license issued pursuant thereto may at any time be revoked by the chief of police for cause shown, after notice to the holder thereof and an opportunity to be heard shall have been given.
   (D)   That the persons operating any patrol service or system in the city of Placerville shall have complied with an act to license and regulate the business of private detectives and detective agencies, being a law of the state of California. (Ord. 1075, 7-8-1975)