   Whenever any technical codes are incorporated herein by reference, any subsequent amendments or revisions to such technical codes shall automatically become a part of this code and shall be made available for public inspection by the city. Further, to the extent of any conflict between the technical provisions of this code and any technical codes adopted by reference, the most restrictive provision shall prevail.
   (A)   As histories for the code sections, the specific number and passage date of the original ordinance, and the most recent three amending ordinances, if any, are listed following the text of the code section. Example: (Ord. 10, passed 5-13-60; Am. Ord. 15, passed 1-1-70; Am. Ord. 20, passed 1-1-80; Am. Ord. 25, passed 1-1-85)
   (B)   An “ILCS” cite included in the history indicates that the text of the section reads either verbatim or substantially the same as the statute. Example: (ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 3.1-2-1) (Ord. 10, passed 1-17-80; Am. Ord. 20, passed 1-1-85). An “ILCS” cite set forth as a “statutory reference” following the text of the section indicates that the reader should refer to that statute for further information. Example:
      The city shall make available to any person for inspection or copying all public records, as provided in the Illinois Freedom of Information Act.
   Statutory reference:
      Freedom of Information Act, see ILCS Ch. 5, Act 140, §§ 1 et seq.
   (C)   If a section of this code is derived from the previous code of ordinances of the city published in 1974 and subsequently amended, the 1974 code section number shall be indicated in the history by “('74 Code, §      ).”
   (A)   Civil penalties. Violations of this code shall be triable as civil cases whenever in this code or in any ordinance of the city any act is prohibited or is made or declared to be unlawful or an offense, or whenever in the code or ordinance the doing of any act is required or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful or an offense, where no specific penalty is provided therefor, the violation of any such provision of this code or any ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than $75 nor more than $750. Each day that any willful violation of any provision of this code or of any ordinance shall continue shall constitute a separate offense.
   (B)   Criminal penalties. In lieu of proceeding under any provision of this code for a civil penalty as provided in division (B), in the discretion of the City Attorney, violations of the provisions of this code may be prosecuted in the Circuit Court by informa-tion or by complaint sworn to as criminal offenses. Such prosecutions shall conform to the rules of criminal procedure, and the charge shall give notice that it is a criminal proceeding. Upon conviction, a person violating this code shall be punished by a fine of not less than $75 nor more than $750.
('74 Code, 1-8) (Ord. 1049, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 1148, passed 12-20-94)
Statutory reference:
   Limitations on penalties, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 1-2-1