(A) Parking areas serving nonresidential uses of property shall be hard-surfaced and graded so as to drain all surface water to storm sewer inlets.
(B) When the parking areas or lots abut residential properties, there shall be provided a wall or solid screen planting of appropriate shrubs, to a height of not less than four feet, along the entire boundary common to the residential and parking areas.
(C) Walls or solid screen planting to a height of not less than four feet also shall be placed along the street line where a parking lot abuts a street which provides access to adjacent residential properties.
(D) Lights used to illuminate the parking lots shall be arranged so as to reflect lighting away from the adjoining premises in the residential district.
(E) Parking spaces shall be reserved for the sole use of the occupants of the buildings or lots, their customers and visitors. Churches, theaters, stadiums, auditoriums and other places of assembly may make arrangements for joint use of parking spaces as hereinafter specified.
('74 Code, Appendix A, § 13) Penalty, see § 156.999