   (A)   (1)   No building or structure shall be erected or structurally altered hereafter until a building permit shall be issued by the Building Commissioner stating the building or structure, and use of land, comply with the regulations of this chapter and all building and health laws.
      (2)   To defray partially the expense of administering this chapter, a fee shall be collected by the Building Commissioner.
         (a)    The fee shall be determined according to the following scale:
            1.   No charge for any improvement valued at less than $1,000; and
            2.   A charge of $50 for any improvement valued above $1,000.
         (b)   If the application is filed after commencement of construction, the fee shall be determined according to the following scale:
            1.   A charge of $50 for any improvement valued at less than $1,000; and
            2.   A charge of $150 for any improvement valued above $1,000.
   (B)   All applications for building permits shall be accompanied by a plat, in duplicate, drawn to scale, showing the actual dimensions of the lot to be built upon, the size of the building or structure to be erected or structurally altered, its location on the lot and other such information as may be necessary to provide for the enforcement of these regulations. A careful record of the applications and plats shall be kept in the office of the Building Commissioner.
   (C)   No building shall be constructed and no permit shall be issued for any building on any premises not served by a sewer unless the area of the lot on which the building is to be erected complies with the ordinance relative to sept tanks as to size and condition of soil.
   (D)   The permit shall be valid for six months from the date of issuance and thereafter shall be null and void unless construction has been started under the permit during the six months period.
('74 Code, Appendix A, § 18) (Ord. 922, passed 7-6-76; Am. Ord. 1292, passed 2-17-04) Penalty, see § 156.999
   (A)   No building or structure hereafter erected or structurally altered shall be occupied and used until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Building Commissioner. The certificate shall be issued only after the Commissioner makes a finding that the building or structure has been erected or structurally altered in conformance to the provisions of this chapter and other health and building laws and in accordance with the building permit.
   (B)   A certificate shall be applied for coincident with the application for a building permit and shall be issued within ten days after the erection or alterations of the building shall have been satisfactorily completed. A record of all certificates shall be kept on file in the office of the Commissioner and copies shall be furnished, on request, to any person having a proprietary or tenancy interest in the building affected.
('74 Code, Appendix A, § 18) (Ord. 922, passed 7-6-76) Penalty, see § 156.999
§ 156.022 USE PERMIT.
   No change shall be made in the use of a building or part thereof now or hereafter erected or structur- ally altered or in the use of land now or hereafter occupied, without first a use permit having been issued by the Building Commissioner. No use permit shall be issued to make a change unless it is in conformity with the provisions of this chapter or amendments duly enacted hereafter.
('74 Code, Appendix A, § 18) (Ord. 922, passed 7-6-76) Penalty, see § 156.999