§ 156.002 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this chapter is as follows:
   (A)   To divide the city into zones, or districts, restricting and regulating therein the location, erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration and use of buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, residence and other specified uses;
   (B)   To regulate the intensity of the use of lot areas and to regulate and determine the area of open spaces surrounding the buildings;
   (C)   To establish building lines and the location of buildings designed for specified industrial, business, residential and other uses within the areas;
   (D)   To fix standards to which buildings or structures incompatible with the character of the districts, respectively;
   (E)   To prevent additions to and alterations or remodeling of existing buildings or structures in such a way as to avoid the restrictions and limitations lawfully imposed hereunder;
   (F)   To limit congestion in the public streets by providing for the off-street parking and loading and unloading of vehicles;
   (G)   To provide for the gradual elimination of non-conforming uses of land, buildings and structures and providing penalties for the violation of this chapter;
   (H)   To lessen congestion in the streets;
   (I)   To secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers;
   (J)   To provide light and air;
   (K)   To prevent overcrowding of land;
   (L)   To conserve the taxable value of land and buildings throughout the city and to promote the public health, safety and general welfare.
('74 Code, Appendix A, § 1)