(A) No boat or craft of any kind shall be used, propelled or operated between the hours of sunset and sunrise unless the boat or craft plainly displays an adequate light which can be clearly observed from any quarter by an approaching boat.
(B) No boat or craft that may be operated or propelled by means of any motor or engine which may be temporarily or permanently attached thereto may be operated between the hours of sunset and sunrise, unless it plainly displays a bright white light in the aft (rear) part of the boat or craft visible from all quarters and twin lights or a combined lantern in the forepart (forward) of the boat or craft showing a green light to the starboard (right) and a red light to the port side (left) of the craft or boat. Each colored light shall be shielded so as not to be visible from across the beam of the boat.
(C) No boat or craft shall be anchored offshore between sunset and sunrise unless it displays an adequate light clearly visible from any quarter by any approaching boat.
('74 Code, § 23-61) (Ord. 741, passed 12-1-64)