(A)   Purpose and intent. The purpose of this section is to establish emergency snow routes within the City of Pittsfield to ensure the safety and efficiency of vehicular traffic during winter weather conditions. By designating specific routes, the city aims to facilitate snow removal operations and emergency services, thereby minimizing disruptions and hazards caused by snow accumulation.
   (B)   Definitions.
      (1)   EMERGENCY SNOW ROUTE. Designated streets and roadways identified by appropriate signage where parking restrictions and other measures are enforced during declared snow emergencies.
      (2)   SNOW EMERGENCY. An emergency snow ordinance is in effect any time there are three or more inches of snow predicted or any accumulation of ice or any condition declared by the City of Pittsfield in response to significant snowfall or winter weather conditions that may impede traffic flow, requiring the implementation of emergency snow routes.
      (3)   The snow route shall be enforced beginning at midnight prior to the predicted snow.
      (4)   SNOW EMERGENCY DECLARATION. An official announcement by the Mayor or designated authority indicating the commencement of a snow emergency.
   (C)   Designation of emergency snow routes.
      (1)   The Director of Public Works, in consultation with the Mayor's office and relevant departments, shall identify and designate emergency snow routes within the City of Pittsfield.
      (2)   The list of designated emergency snow routes shall be made publicly available on the city's official website, through local media outlets, and posted prominently at key entry points to the city.
      (3)   The city square, parking lot under the town water tower, and one block off of the city square shall be designated an emergency snow route. This shall include along the state highway in this area.
   (D)   Snow emergency declarations.
      (1)   The Mayor or their designated representative shall have the authority to declare a snow emergency when weather conditions warrant such action. Temporary parking of emergency vehicles shall be permitted.
      (2)   Snow emergency declarations shall be communicated to the public through official city channels, including but not limited to press releases, social media, and the city's website.
   (E)   Parking restrictions on emergency snow routes.
      (1)   During a declared snow emergency, parking is prohibited on designated emergency snow routes.
      (2)   Vehicles parked in violation of this section may be towed at the owner's expense.
      (3)   The City of Pittsfield shall provide reasonable notice to the public regarding parking restrictions on emergency snow routes.
      (4)   No person shall park, abandon or leave unattended any vehicle on any public street on a designated snow emergency route during such times of any snow fall or ice accumulation or for a period of 24 hours after the termination of any snow fall or ice accumulation unless said snow emergency is extended by the Mayor. Said extension shall be announced in the same manner as a declaration of a snow emergency.
      (5)   It shall be unlawful for residents or contractors to plow snow into the city roadways or to pile snow on city right of ways that would impede normal traffic.
   (F)   Penalties.
      (1)   Violation of parking restrictions on emergency snow routes shall be subject to fines as established by § 72.99.
      (2)   Towed vehicles shall be subject to towing and impoundment fees as determined by the towing service.
   (G)   Enforcement.
      (1)   The Pittsfield Police Department, in conjunction with other relevant city departments, is authorized to enforce this section.
      (2)   Enforcement may include ticketing, towing, and impoundment of vehicles in violation of parking restrictions.
(Ord. 1726, passed 2-20-24)