Every application for a certificate of appropriateness, including building permit, moving permit, demolition permit, plans and specifications, shall be forwarded by the Planning Department to the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee within 15 days following receipt of the application by the Planning Department. In those instances where a COA is required but a building, moving, and/or demolition permit is not, a separate application for COA shall be submitted to the Planning Department. The application for issuance of a COA must include:
   (A)   Street address of the property involved.
   (B)   Legal description of the property involved.
   (C)   Brief description of the present improvements situated on the property.
   (D)   A detailed description of the construction, alteration, demolition, or use proposed together with any architectural drawings or sketches if those services have been utilized by the applicant and if not, a sufficient description of the construction, alteration, demolition, and use to enable anyone to determine what final appearance and use of the real estate will be.
   (E)   Owner’s name.
   (F)   Developer’s name, if different than Owner.
   (G)   Architect’s name, if applicable.
   (H)   Payment of the filing fee.
(Am. Ord. 1532, passed 2-3-15)