(A)   When the city executes a railroad permit, highway permit or other hold harmless document and subsequently employs or contracts for independent outside services, the city shall require the outside contractor to provide liability insurance to the city which equals or exceeds the level of coverage afforded it by the Gas Utilities Alliance, of which the city is a member.
   (B)   The City Gas Department shall not sell or otherwise convey any material, equipment or supplies, nor trade or exchange with any plumber, contractor or private individual. Exchanges shall be prohibited except between members of the alliance and other major established natural gas distribution utilities. Where exchanges are vitally necessary and in the best interests of the city, a release or hold harmless form, approved by the Gas Utilities Alliance, shall be executed by the recipient with written documented authority for signing.
('74 Code, § 27-149) (Ord. 1060, passed 7-21-87)