17.113.070 Short-term rental and homestay standards.
A. Initial inspection. Prior to issuance of an STR or homestay license, the city shall conduct an inspection of subject property to confirm bedroom count, on-site parking, and applicable safety standards. If complaints are received about STR or homestay operations, the city shall have the right to re-inspect the property. In the event such re-inspection requires access to the interior of a dwelling unit, the property owner shall provide the city access to the premises upon forty-eight (48) hours' advance notice.
B. Transmittal of rules and good neighbor policy. Prior to rental of an STR or homestay, the property owner and responsible party shall be provided with a good neighbor policy, consisting of a list of rules and responsibilities, in a form approved by the city manager. The property owner and responsible party shall initial each rule indicating that they have read the policy and sign an acknowledgment that in the event applicable municipal code sections and/or administrative rules are violated, renters and/or visitors and/or the property owner may be fined by the city. A good neighbor brochure, summarizing the good neighbor policy shall be placed or posted in a clearly visible location within the STR or homestay.
C. Maximum occupancy. Maximum overnight occupancy of an STR or homestay shall be limited to two people per bedroom, plus two additional people. For example, a two-bedroom STR may have up to and including six occupants overnight. This calculation shall be inclusive of children. Bedroom count shall be confirmed via inspection by the city prior to the issuance of an STR or homestay license.
D. Visitors. The number of visitors to an STR or homestay shall not exceed a number equal to the allowable occupancy of the STR or homestay at any time. For example, if the maximum overnight occupancy is 6, then no more than six additional visitors are allowed. Visitors are not allowed in the STR or homestay between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. and shall not stay overnight on the premises.
E. Frequency. Consistent with the definition of primary residence, a qualifying STR property shall be limited to a maximum of 182 rental days per year (less than half the year) without the property owner concurrently on site. There shall be no limit to the number of rental days per year for homestays, during which the property owner is concurrently on site.
F. On-site parking. On-site parking shall be required for the operation of an STR or homestay.
1. Required parking is based on the number of bedrooms provided for rent, as follows:
1 bedroom: Minimum of 1 on-site parking space
2 bedrooms: Minimum of 2 on-site parking spaces
3-4 bedrooms: Minimum of 3 on-site parking spaces
5 or more bedrooms: Minimum of 4 on-site parking spaces
2. Required parking shall be provided in a garage or on a driveway. Tandem parking configurations shall be acceptable. Street parking shall not be counted toward required parking.
G. Noise. Renters and visitors of STR and homestay properties shall not generate noise to an extent that unreasonably interferes with the quiet use and enjoyment of any other residence or business in the area. Any noise occurring after 10:00 p.m. and before 7:00 a.m. shall be contained within the STR or homestay. What is reasonable in terms of noise generated shall be determined under existing legal standards applicable to evaluating alleged nuisances, including Chapter 9.24 any other city noise standards.
H. Trash. Trash and refuse shall not be left stored within public view, except in proper containers for the purposes of collection. There shall be no accumulation or storage of trash and/or debris on the site or within the STR or homestay.
I. Traffic. Vehicles used and traffic generated by the STR or homestay shall not exceed normal residential levels or unreasonably interfere with the quiet use and enjoyment of any other residences or businesses in the area. What is reasonable in terms of traffic generated shall be determined under existing legal standards applicable to evaluating alleged nuisances. (Ord. O-2018- 006 § 1 (part), 2018)