(A) The Police Chief is hereby authorized to enter into mutual assistance arrangements with other municipal and county law enforcement agencies, provided that the head of the requesting law enforcement agency makes such a request in writing.
(B) The Police Chief is hereby authorized to permit officers of the Town Police Department to work temporarily with officers of the requesting agency, including in an undercover capacity; and, the Chief may lend such equipment and supplies to requesting agencies as the Chief deems advisable. Any such requests shall be in writing.
(C) All such requests and authorizations shall be in accordance with G.S. §§ 160A-288 and 90-95.2, as applicable.
(D) While working with a requesting agency, an officer shall have the same jurisdiction, powers, rights, privileges, and immunities (including those relating to the defense of civil actions and payment of judgments) as the officers of the requesting agency, in addition to those the officer normally possesses.
(E) While on duty with the requesting agency, an officer shall be subject to the lawful operational commands of the officer’s superior officers in the requesting agency, but the officer shall, for personnel and administrative purposes, remain under the control of his or her own agency, including for purposes of pay. An officer shall furthermore be entitled to worker’s compensation and the same benefits to the extent as though the officer were functioning within the normal scope of his or her duties.
(F) The Chief is hereby authorized to enter into mutual assistance agreements with other law enforcement agencies in accordance with such reasonable arrangements, terms and conditions as may be agreed upon between the respective heads of the law enforcement agencies.
(Prior Code, § 31.01) (Res. passed 9-19-1995)