A.   Pursuant to statutory authority, Chapter 625 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes and any and all amendments thereto which may hereinafter be enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, is hereby expressly adopted and incorporated in its entirety by reference as the vehicle code for the village. Reference to any provision contained in said vehicle code shall be made by referring to the same section number for each such section as contained in the Illinois vehicle code and denoting the nature of the charge as stated in subsection B of this section.
   B.   In supplement to the adoption of the Illinois vehicle code, the miscellaneous traffic regulations set out in this title are hereby adopted and shall remain in full force and effect unless otherwise amended or repealed by further ordinance. The village shall have the option of charging any offense under either the vehicle code as a state charge, the vehicle code as a local charge, or a local ordinance as a local charge, and shall so designate on any citation or charging instrument. (Ord. 2010-02, 1-18-2010; amd. Ord. 2019-O-02, 1-21-2019)