The village, as a competent authority pursuant to 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/12-215(a)(2), hereby authorizes any sworn officer of the village police department to possess and operate, in accordance with state statute, emergency lights in his/her personal vehicles. Each officer shall only be permitted to utilize said emergency lights in one personal vehicle of his or her own at a time. Each officer so authorized shall exercise reasonable control over such lights so as to assure that only the sworn officer has the ability to use said emergency lights, and no other person with access to such personal vehicles may utilize said emergency lights. The chief of police is hereby authorized to enact such additional policies, conditions or limitations on the use of said lights as he/she deems necessary to carry out the purposes of this section, and may, in his/her sole discretion, prohibit such lights in any or all personal vehicles. (Ord. 2006-25, 10-2-2006)