A.   Office Created: There is hereby created the office of chief of police. (Ord. 2006-25, 10-2-2006)
   B.   Appointment: The chief of police shall be appointed by the village president, with the advice and consent of the village board. The president may make an interim appointment to chief of police, from time to time. The appointment of the chief of police or an interim appointment shall not be made by the Board of Police Commissioners. The chief of police need not be from the lower ranking officers of the police department. (Ord. 2015-O-20, 7-6-2015)
   C.   Oath And Bond: Before entering upon the duties of office, such person shall take the oath of office prescribed for village officers and execute a bond to the village in such amount as determined by the board of trustees.
   D.   Compensation: The chief of police shall receive compensation as directed by the board of trustees from time to time. (Ord. 2006-25, 10-2-2006)
   E.   General Duties:
      1.   Supervision: The chief of police shall be the head of the police department, shall have supervision over all of the police officers and members thereof and shall be held directly responsible for the conduct and efficiency of all police officers and members of the department. All persons who are members of the department shall serve subject to the orders of the chief of police.
      2.   Status Reports: The chief of police shall submit a report to the village board of trustees detailing the operations of the police department at each regular board meeting.
      3.   Familiarity With Village: The chief of police shall familiarize himself/herself with all sections of the village and its operation.
      4.   Hours: The chief of police shall maintain regular hours of duty.
      5.   Familiarity With Police Business From Shift To Shift: When coming on duty, the chief of police shall immediately familiarize himself/herself with all police business transacted since his/her last tour of duty, and it shall be his/her duty to inform or provide for the transference of information so as to inform each shift of police officers and members of the department going on duty of all important matters which have occurred or which may require attention.
      6.   Conduct Of Police Officers: The chief of police shall immediately and diligently inquire into all complaints and charges of laxity and misconduct by police officers or members of the police department in the performance of their duties and shall take such steps as set forth in this chapter, or as he/she may deem necessary when not in conflict with this chapter or state statute, so as to properly deal with said complaints, charges and misconduct.
      7.   Custody Of Books, Records And Equipment: The chief of police shall have custody and control of all books, records, machines, tools, apparatus and equipment of every kind and nature necessary for use by the police department.
      8.   Records And Reports: The chief of police shall keep such records and make such reports concerning the activities and operations of the police department as may be required by state statute, ordinances of the village or the board of trustees which will facilitate proper law enforcement and protect due process requirements.
      9.   Custody Of Lost, Abandoned, Stolen Property: The chief of police shall be the custodian of all lost and abandoned or stolen property found or recovered in the village. (Ord. 2006-25, 10-2-2006; amd. 2011 Code)
      10.   Interdepartmental Cooperation And Agreements: The chief of police is and shall be authorized to enter into one or more agreements or intergovernmental agreements with other law enforcement agencies or governmental agencies, for the shared use of available resources, shared law enforcement or prosecutorial activities, joint operations, training operations or initiatives, co-policing initiatives, integration of command, mutual aid arrangements, and similar law enforcement operations including utilization of sworn peace officers from other agencies to supplement or temporarily serve in, with or under the village's standing complement of police officers. Said agreements may cover any terms related to such operations, including the indemnification or insuring of officers involved, chain of command issues, use of village resources, or related topics. Any agreement which requires the appropriation or use of unbudgeted funds shall require the approval of the village board for that budgetary amendment, prior to approval by the chief of police. (Ord. 2014-09, 4-21-2014)
      11.   Part Time Employees: The chief of police shall be authorized to administer tests, conduct background checks, and take all steps necessary to evaluate candidates for hire as part time police officers for the village of Pingree Grove and, upon satisfactory conclusion of all such tests, shall have the authority to hire such officers for the village of Pingree Grove, provided that the costs of their employment are included within the then current budget for the village. (Ord. 2014-O-12, 5-19-2014; amd. Ord. 2019-O-19, 12-6-2021)