§ 90.034 GUARD DOGS.
   (A)   License tag; signs. The owner, possessor or harborer of a guard dog kept within the town for longer than is necessary to merely pass through the town shall comply with the following.
      (1)   Identification. It shall be unlawful for a guard dog kept in the town not to have a current guard dog license tag. This license tag will supersede the need for any other town licensing tag. Before such a tag can be issued, there must be proof of rabies inoculation of the dog.
      (2)   Signs. The owner, possessor, harborer or user of any guard dogs or the owner of the premises employing the dogs must have posted on the premises a sign that identifies the name, address and telephone number of the owner of the security dogs.
   (B)   Escape. If a guard dog escapes and bites someone who is not a trespasser, the Bureau Manager shall have the authority to prohibit that dog from serving as a guard dog within the town. It shall be unlawful to use such a dog as a guard dog after the Bureau Manager has ordered that the dog shall not be used within the town as a guard dog.
   (C)   Enforcement. In addition to using any and all enforcement remedies stated in § 90.017, the Bureau shall also have the following additional authority in respect to security dogs.
      (1)   If any security dog is seized running at large, the dog shall not be returned to the owner until the owner has obtained a guard dog license tag for that dog and any other guard dogs used or to be used in the town in accordance with division (A) of this section and is in complete compliance with all the requirements of division (A) of this section.
      (2)   If a security dog is found on the premises without complying with division (A) of this section, the Bureau Manager or his or her designee shall have the authority to issue a notice of prohibition letter that will prohibit the use of that dog as a security dog within the town, unless there is compliance with all of division (A) of this section within 48 hours. Such a notice of prohibition shall, at the same time, be given to the owner of the premises upon which the security dog is utilized. The owner of the premises shall be informed that the continued use of such a security dog on the premises is an unlawful act on the part of the owner in violation of this section. If such a dog remains on the premises after the 48 hours, it shall be an unlawful act on the part of the owner of the dog and on the part of the owner of the premises, and a citation may be issued to either or both of those individuals.
      (3)   The Bureau shall have the authority to seize guard dogs if there has not been compliance with this division or for the safety of the public, all in accordance with § 90.072.
(1995 Code, § 10-62) (Ord. 2005-02, passed - -2005) Penalty, see § 10.99