For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   APPROVED DESIGNATED ZONES. Any city- owned parking lot.
   FOOD SERVICE WORKER. A person who works for or under the direction of, on behalf of, or as an agent of a food vehicle permittee and/or owner.
   MOBILE FOOD VEHICLE. A unit mounted on a or pulled by a self-propelled vehicle where food for individual portion service is prepared, or dispensed; is self-contained with its own drinking water tank and waste water tank including prepackaged food; is designed to be readily movable; and is moved daily to return to its commissary.
      (1)   Any other mobile food vendor not defined as a mobile food vehicle including a non-self-propelled mobile food unit that are lightweight enough, designed, and intended to be moved by one person.
      (2)   A mobile food vendor can only be used to prepare and serve only:
         (a)   Non-potentially hazardous foods such as popcorn, lemonade, soft drinks, hot dogs, or flavored ice; or
         (b)   Food pre-wrapped at the commissary and maintained at the required temperatures.
(Ord. passed 6-25-2018)