(A)   The city or its agent, shall provide a pickup service for the removal of brush, lawn clippings, and small trash items, as defined by this section, from households, during times determined by the city.
   (B)   BRUSH and LAWN CLIPPINGS are defined as weeds, leaves, grass clippings, dead flowers and plants, small tree trunks, pruned branches and stems, small tree limbs, dirt, roots, wood shavings and rocks, or dead Christmas trees.
   (C)   Tree limbs, not exceeding three feet in length and one inch in diameter, must be tied in bundles which can be readily handled and loaded by one person.
   (D)   All brush or lawn clippings as defined above to be collected must be placed in boxes or containers sturdy enough to be handled by the collector; the total loaded weight of each container not to exceed 50 pounds per carton. Leaves shall be placed in lawn bags and shall not exceed 30 pounds. Such items shall be placed at the curb or alley line no earlier than the day preceding a set collection day or at the time the call for a collection request is placed by city resident. The city reserves the right to handle only those items that conform to this section. Any material that does not conform to these regulations shall become the responsibility of the resident to properly dispose of as authorized herein.
   (E)   The city may impose additional charges upon the resident for tree limbs exceeding the length and diameter stated above or for brush and the like, not bundled or placed in a box/container as stated above. The city may impose additional charges upon the resident for disposal or removal of more than five leaf bags or any bag exceeding the weight limit as stated above.
   (F)   (1)   In the instance of a contractor being hired by a resident for brush, lawn clippings, or debris removal, it shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor to remove such debris and the city shall not remove such brush, lawn clippings, or debris under any circumstance.
      (2)   CONTRACTOR is anyone employed to work on a property, regardless if for a fee or not, that does not own the property and is not a co-habitant or an immediate relative of the property owner, and whose work on the property results in debris that exceeds one standard truck bed load of brush and lawn clippings or exceeds any other quantitative or material limitations as set forth by this section.
(Ord. passed 6-27-2018)