(A)   New wireless communications facilities. No person, firm, or corporation shall install or construct any new WCF, unless and until a tower and/or antenna use permit (TAP) is issued by the Zoning Administrator of the city pursuant to the requirements of this section.
   (B)   Nonconforming or pre-existing wireless communications facilities. WCF’s which exist within the jurisdiction of this subchapter at the time of passage shall, not be required to meet the requirements of this section, unless expansions or additions are requested. Alterations to a support structure, or the addition of antenna arrays to a structure, must meet the requirements of this section and may be completed after appropriate permits are issued.
   (C)   Exemptions. The provisions of this section shall not apply to a ground or building mounted receive-only radio or television antenna used for residential purposes; a ground or building mounted citizens band radio antenna; a ground, building or tower mounted antenna operated by a federally licensed amateur (ham) radio operator; and satellite dish antennas less than 36 inches in diameter for residential purposes, including direct to home satellite services, when used as a use accessory to the residential use of the property. Such installations shall comply with other applicable provisions of the Zoning Chapter.
(Ord. O-2014-06, passed 8-11-14)