(A)   The city shall pay the premium cost to provide the health, hospital and medical insurance coverage set forth in Plan A attached to Ord. O-2011-03 and by reference made a part hereof to all elected city officials, department heads and the City Clerk.
   (B)   The city shall pay the premium cost to provide the health, hospital and medical insurance coverage set forth in Plan A attached to Ord. O-2011-03 and by reference made a part hereof to all former elected officials vested in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund after January 1, 2011, until December 31 in the year of termination of office.
   (C)   The city shall pay the premium cost to provide the health, hospital and medical insurance coverage set forth in Plan B attached to Ord. O-2011-03 and by reference made a part hereof to all hourly employee except that portion of the premium to be paid by the hourly employee in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement in effect between the city and the employee’s union which sum shall be withheld and deducted from the compensation of the hourly employee.
   (D)   A copy of Ord. O-2011-03, and Plans A and B attached thereto, are available for public inspection during normal business hours in the office of the City Clerk.
(Ord. O-2011-03, passed 4-25-11)