Sales and services including the following:
(A) Amusement centers, indoor and outdoor.
(B) Antique shops.
(C) Appliance stores.
(D) Art galleries.
(E) Auto parking lots or structures.
(F) Banks.
(G) Barbershops.
(H) Beauty shops.
(I) Blueprinting services.
(J) Bowling alleys.
(K) Camera shops.
(L) Catering.
(M) Chamber of Commerce.
(N) Clothing stores.
(O) Clothes cleaning services.
(P) Clubs.
(Q) Construction companies (excluding outside storage and equipment).
(R) Convenience stores.
(S) Credit bureaus.
(T) Currency exchanges.
(U) Dairy product sales.
(V) Employment agencies.
(W) Exterminators.
(X) Farm and garden supplies.
(Y) Fire stations.
(Z) Florists.
(AA) Funeral homes.
(BB) Government offices.
(CC) Grocery stores.
(DD) Hardware stores.
(EE) Hotels.
(FF) Inns.
(GG) Insurance agencies.
(HH) Interior decorators.
(II) Janitorial services.
(JJ) Jewelry sales and repair.
(KK) Labor unions and halls.
(LL) Lending institutions.
(MM) Libraries.
(NN) Locksmiths.
(OO) Lodges.
(PP) Motels.
(QQ) Museums.
(RR) Music stores.
(SS) Newspaper offices.
(TT) Office supply stores.
(UU) Paint, wallpaper, and glass stores.
(VV) Pawnbrokers.
(WW) Pet shops.
(XX) Pharmacies.
(YY) Photography studios.
(ZZ) Police stations.
(AAA) Photocopying services.
(BBB) Printing services.
(CCC) Radio stations.
(DDD) Rental equipment stores.
(EEE) Restaurants (including drive-through).
(FFF) Shoe stores.
(GGG) Sporting goods stores.
(HHH) Television stations.
(III) Theaters (excluding drive-ins).
(JJJ) Toy stores.
(KKK) Travel agencies.
(LLL) Title abstract offices.
(MMM) Upholstery shops.
(NNN) Utility company offices.
(OOO) Veterinary clinics.
(PPP) Ground mounted solar energy collector.
(QQQ) Other uses not listed as determined by the Zoning Commission.
(Ord. O-2014-06, passed 8-11-14; Am. Ord. O-2020-28, passed 10-26-20)