(A)   If service is disconnected when the final meter reading is taken, a $100 fee will be charged before service will be re-established, upon later application for service if the customer resides within the limits of the city and a $100 fee will be charged before service will be re-established upon later application for service outside the city limits.
   (B)   Requests for voluntary discontinuance of gas utility service must be made to the City Clerk by the customer at least two working days before the date the service is to be turned off.
   (C)   Removal of city service lines from private property will be made by the city at the request of the customer. Service charge for removal of these lines will be on a time-and-materials-cost basis, paid by the customer.
   (D)   The city shall require a deposit from the prospective customers before connecting or extending gas service to the customer. Deposits shall be in an amount equal to one month’s estimated bill for a month of peak service to the location. If, after billing begins at that location, the estimated deposit proves insufficient to cover one month’s bill during peak service, the city reserves the right to require an additional deposit.
   (E)   Deposits shall be non-interest bearing and may be refunded, upon written application by the customer, after two years of successful payment of charges.
   (F)   The city may refund meter deposits upon application after the utility service has been discontinued, provided, the city reserves the right to inspect the premises before making any refund.
   (G)   All customers receiving gas from the municipal gas system for which payment for charges for natural gas service has not been received by the city within 15 days after the date of the bill, shall be charged an additional 1½% of the bill for each month it remains unpaid after the 15-day period.
(Ord. O-81-3, passed 5-18-81; Am. Ord. O-86-2, passed 4-7-86; Am. Ord. O-2016-17, passed 10-24-16)