Sewage Disposal System; General Provisions
52.01 Definitions and abbreviations
52.02 Objectives of subchapter
52.03 Findings
Sewage Disposal System; Rules and Regulations
52.20 Establishment of Sewage Disposal System
52.21 Unlawful waste disposal; discharge to natural outlets prohibited
52.22 Industrial users; information required prior to connection to Sewage Disposal System; conditions; reporting and pretreatment requirements
52.23 Private Sewage Disposal Systems
52.24 Building sewer and connections
52.25 Use of public sewers
52.26 Disposal at waste water treatment plant
52.27 Industrial pretreatment fees and surcharges
52.28 Measuring sewer usage; water meters required for all nonresidential users
52.29 Establishment of rates; rates and charges
52.30 Protection from damage
52.31 Enforcement
52.32 Appeals
52.33 Operation and administration; fiscal year
52.34 Records of annual audit; no free service
52.35 Billing and collections; termination of water and sewer service by village
52.36 Disconnection for late payment
52.37 Contract for service; indemnity; liability of village for interruption of service; limitation on liability of village
52.99 Penalty