From and after the effective date of this subchapter, it shall be unlawful for any person to use, within the limits of the Village of Pinckney, any mobile home or trailer coach for dwelling purposes or any other purpose, except as provided and permitted by this subchapter.
(A) The Village Council may permit, upon application, the use of a trailer or mobile home as a temporary dwelling for a period of one year when the occupant of the trailer is definitely engaged in the erection of a permanent dwelling on the same lot and when necessary and proper health, sanitation, plumbing and fresh water facilities are provided. If substantial progress has been made toward the completion of the permanent dwelling, the Village Council may grant an extension of 12 months.
(B) The Village Council may permit, upon application and upon receipt of proof of unique hardship, the use of a trailer coach or mobile home as an accessory dwelling to a permanent dwelling. Not more than one trailer may be used and occupied as the accessory dwelling and then only if the occupants of the trailer have access to and the unlimited use of the sanitary facilities of the permanent dwelling.
(C) Trailers which are brought by visitors for traveling purposes may be occupied and allowed, provided, the visitors occupying the trailers use the toilets, bathing and laundry facilities of the dwelling of that property owner or occupants they are visiting. Provided further, that the maximum period for the use shall be 30 days without permit and the use shall be limited to one visiting trailer at a dwelling. The Village Council may extend this period at its discretion provided application is made in writing to the Council.
(D) Mobile homes and trailer coaches shall be legally used when located on a farm of 40 acres or more under a temporary permit for the occupancy of migratory farm workers. The farm owner or lessee shall first make written application to the Village Clerk, who shall issue the permit for one or more vehicular units after an inspection shows:
(1) Location of units to be not less than 200 feet from any public highway and/or boundary of adjoining property; and
(2) Adequate fresh water supply and sanitary facilities a permit shall be for a period of 60 days.
(E) Mobile homes and trailer coaches shall be legally used when located on a land site approved by the village under temporary permit for the occupancy of construction workers on a specific job. The employer shall first make written application through the Village Clerk, giving all pertinent data, including description of land to be used and number of vehicular units to be used. Providing inspection shows:
(1) Location or units to be not less than 200 feet from any public highway and/or boundary of adjoining property; and
(2) Adequate fresh water supply and sanitary facilities, then a temporary permit shall be issued covering the period of the specific construction job, not to exceed one year, subject to an extension for one-year period for good cause.
(F) Mobile homes and trailer coaches shall be legally used when openly parked by the owner’s own dwelling site, providing the vehicular unit is unoccupied and located as follows: back of rear wall of dwelling not closer than ten feet to any side or, rear line if not a street line or closer than 100 feet to any street line. The open parking or storage subject to restriction governing the use of the premises.
(Ord. 6, passed - -) Penalty, see § 150.99