   (A)   The coincident peak (CP) demand shall be the average kW demand measured during the 60 minute interval used by the North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency for wholesale billing purposes during the current billing month.
   (B)   Excess demand shall be the maximum 60-minute demand recorded during the current billing month, less the coincident peak demand for the current billing month.
   (C)   The kWh of energy shall be the sum of all 60-minute integrated demand readings during the current billing month.
   (D)   The customer is allowed to use generation with a continuous nameplate rating of 94 kW or lower for load management purposes. The customer must acquire permission from the town prior to installation and operation of generation. The town may require documentation that the generator meets safety requirements. No flow of electricity (backfeed) into the town’s distribution system is permitted. Parallel operation of generation shall be allowed only with the appropriate safety devices.
(Ord. passed 7-1-2010)
   The town will use diligent, good faith efforts to predict each monthly system peak and notify the customer in advance. However, the town is not able to guarantee an accurate prediction or that notice will be provided. Notification by the town will be provided to the customer by direct telephone communications or automatic signal as mutually agreed. The customer will hold the town harmless in connection with its response to notification.
(Ord. passed 7-1-2010)