§ 32.165 EMPLOYEES.
   (A)   The Authority may employ technical experts and attorneys, and any other employees that it deems necessary. The Authority shall fix the compensation of its employees. The Board of Commissioners may prescribe limitations to the compensation of employees of the Authority and may prescribe whether or not an employee shall devote his or her entire time to his or her duties as an employee of the Authority.
   (B)   In fixing the compensation of its employees, the Authority may, but is not required to, utilize an incentive compensation arrangement whereby the employee may receive, subject to appropriate limits, additional compensation measured by the extent of the achievement by the Authority of specified operating goals, which goals shall be established by the Authority prior to the commencement of work by the employee on the matter with respect to which the goals were set.
(KRS 80.070) (Ord. 07-0-002, passed 2-26-07)