Located within the special flood hazard areas established in § 152.04 are areas designated as shallow flooding areas. These areas have flood hazards associated with base flood depths of one (1) to three (3) feet, where a clearly defined channel does not exist and the water path of flooding is unpredictable and indeterminate. Therefore, the following provisions apply:
(A) All new construction and substantial improvements of residential structures shall: have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated to or above either the base flood elevation or in Zone AO the flood depth specified on the flood insurance rate map above the highest adjacent grade. In Zone AO, if no flood depth is specified, the lowest floor, including basement, shall be elevated no less than two (2) feet above the highest adjacent grade.
(B) All new construction and substantial improvements of non-residential structures shall:
(1) Have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated to or above either the base flood elevation or in Zone AO the flood depth specified on the flood insurance rate map, above the highest adjacent grade. In Zone AO, if no flood depth is specified, the lowest floor, including basement, shall be elevated no less than two (2) feet above the highest adjacent grade.
(2) Together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities, be completely flood- proofed either to the base flood elevation or above or, in Zone AO, to or above the specified flood depth plus a minimum of one (1) foot so that any space below that level is watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water and with structural components having the capability of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy. Certification is required as stated in § 152.31(B).
(Ord. 0-92-010, passed 4-27-92; Am. Ord. 0-2008-007, passed 1-28-08; Am. Ord. 0-2013-006, passed 3-25-13) Penalty, see § 152.99
(A) All subdivision proposals shall identify the flood hazard area and the elevation of the base flood and be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage;
(B) All subdivision proposals shall have public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems located and constructed to minimize flood damage;
(C) All subdivision proposals shall have adequate drainage provided to reduce exposure to flood hazards; and
(D) In areas where base flood elevation and floodway data is not available, base flood elevation and floodway data for subdivision proposals and other proposed development (including manufactured home parks and subdivisions) greater than fifty (50) lots or five (5) acres, whichever is the lesser, shall be provided.
(E) All subdivision plans will include the elevation of proposed structure(s) and lowest adjacent grade. If the site is filled above the base flood elevation, the lowest floor and lowest adjacent grade elevations shall be certified by a registered professional engineer or surveyor and provided to the Floodplain Administrator.
(Ord. 0-92-010, passed 4-27-92; Am. Ord. 0-2008-007, passed 1-28-08; Am. Ord. 0-2013-006, passed 3-25-13) Penalty, see § 152.99
For all accessory structures in special flood hazard areas designated “A” the following provisions shall apply:
(A) Must be non-habitable;
(B) Must be anchored to resist flotation and lateral movement;
(C) Must be provided with flood openings in accordance with the standards of § 152.31(C);
(D) Must be built of flood resistant materials to one (1) foot above the base flood elevation;
(E) Must elevate utilities one (1) foot above the base flood elevation;
(F) Can only be used for storage or parking; and
(G) Must not be modified for a different use after permitting.
(Ord. 0-2008-007, passed 1-28-08; Am. Ord. 0-2013-006, passed 3-25-13) Penalty, see § 152.99
Construction of new critical facilities shall be, to the extent possible, located outside the limits of the SFHA (100-year floodplain). Construction of new critical facilities shall not be permissible within the floodway; however, they may be permissible within the SFHA if no feasible alternative site is available. Critical facilities constructed within the SFHA shall have the lowest floor elevated one (1) foot or more above the base flood elevation at the site. Flood- proofing and sealing measures must be taken to ensure that toxic substances will not be displaced by or released into floodwaters. Access routes elevated to or above the level of the base flood elevation shall be provided to all critical facilities to the extent possible.
(Ord. 0-2008-007, passed 1-28-08; Am. Ord. 0-2013-006, passed 3-25-13) Penalty, see § 152.99
Violation of the provisions of this chapter or failure to comply with any of its requirements, including violation of conditions and safeguards established in connection with granting of a variance or special exceptions, shall constitute a misdemeanor civil offense. Any person who violates this chapter or fails to comply with any of its requirements shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined no less than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisoned for not more than thirty (30) days, or both, and in addition, shall pay all costs and expenses involved in the case. Each day such violation continues shall be considered a separate offense. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the Floodplain Administrator from taking such other lawful action as is necessary to prevent or remedy any violation.
(Ord. 0-92-010, passed 4-27-92; Am. Ord. 0-2008-007, passed 1-28-08; Am. Ord. 0-2013-006, passed 3-25-13)