(A) Any person, firm, corporation, group of persons, or anyone whatsoever, desiring to place or have placed upon the exterior part of any utility poles, buildings, or other structures, any type of advertising, campaign signs, or literature, within the city limits, shall prior to doing so submit written application to the Building Inspector, together with samples of the material and a statement as to the type of substance with which it would be affixed.
(B) The Building Inspector shall, if he finds the material in good taste and to be affixed with a substance that will not damage anything to which it is to be attached, and subject to his discretion with reference thereto, issue a permit conditioned upon discretion with reference thereto, issue a permit conditioned upon the applicant posting a fifty dollar ($50.00) cash bond to be returnable upon all the materials aforementioned being removed from other places where placed and the surface of that to which it was attached returned to as good condition as it was before same occurred with ten (10) days after the election for which the campaign material was circulated or within ten (10) days after time fixed by the Building Inspector for advertising material.
(Ord. 1010.1, passed - -73) Penalty, see § 110.99
Any person, firm, or corporation who violates any portion of this chapter shall be fined not less than twenty dollars ($20.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) plus costs; this is exclusive of a forfeiture of the cash bond mentioned in § 110.01.
(Ord. 1010.1, passed - -73)