(A)   Any urban-county government, city, or county, or city and county acting jointly, or any combination of two (2) or more cities, counties, or both, may establish a nonpartisan Air Board composed of six (6) members. Any existing six (6) member Board, including a Board established in an urban-county government, may be expanded to ten (10) members by action of the government entity or entities that established the six (6) member Board.
   (B)   The Board shall be a body politic and corporate with the usual corporate attributes, and in its corporate name may sue and be sued, contract and be contracted with, and do all things reasonable or necessary to effectively carry out the duties prescribed by statute. The Board shall constitute a legislative body for the purposes of KRS 183.630 to KRS 183.740.
(KRS 183.132(1), (4)) (Am. Ord. 07-0-002, passed 2-26-07)